【JVT 229】Shokuiku – Food Education / 食育 培養良好飲食習慣的教育 / 食育…

Japan Video Topics: My No.【229】[ 4分 25秒; 4min. 25secs.]2020/05/08に公開

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URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxByBMm_22U


【漢語】食育 培養良好飲食習慣的教育

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7uazfXLXes&list=PLeJTjQjlj3CwEEcDO_QmUgybckvYSbOuN&index=2

  在日本養育孩子, 將“飲食”和“教育”兩個詞結合起來所說的 “食育”, 這種說法就有之。

  意思是, 為了讓孩子們從小就知道飲食生活的重要性等而後來使自己充實和豐富後續人生, 有關食物的基本知識等使其趁早學到手為宜。

  舉具體例子說, 有的小學教師會在吃“給食”(學校配餐)之前講解擺在眼前的食材的營養等事,有的學校請日本菜廚師來學校給孩子們直接傳授日本傳統飲食文化之事, 甚至還有的托兒所竟給上學之前的孩子們提供自己栽培農作物或進行烹飪的機會和體驗。

這樣, 為培養身心健康的新一代, “食育” 很會發揮重要作用。

【English】Shokuiku – Food Education

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehLTNa6jKjE&feature=youtu.be

“Shokuiku(食育)” is a combined word of “shoku(食=eating)” and “iku(育=bringing up children)”.

In Japanese schools they teach children a basic knowledge about food, healthy eating habits, etc. on the line of “shokuiku”.

During school meals, for example, children learn from their teacher the nutritional value of the day’s dish while eating it.

They may also have a chance to learn about the nation’s traditional culinary culture from "Washoku(traditional Japanese dish)" professional chefs.

"Shokuiku" starts even earlier in some kindergartens, where we see children practice growing farm products and further cooking them, too.

The concept “shokuiku” has been contributing a lot to promote physical and mental health of younger generations.


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