【JVT 228】托盤中的藝術世界 / Landscapes on a Tray / お盆に描く芸術の世界…

Japan Video Topics: My No.【228】[ 4分 46秒; 4min. 46secs.]2020/04/27に公開

My list: http://matsumoto.news.coocan.jp/images/JVT_data_list_new.htm


URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W74KWC5OaNI





URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oAW89kYIXM

  在國土狹小的日本, 很早就有把自然景觀縮小而在花盆兒裡再現的藝術, 如“盆栽”、“盆景”和“盆石”。

  其中, 只有“盆栽”是實際栽培真正花木。

  “盆景”, 又稱“山水盆景”, 是在托盤上巧妙地配置泥土、沙石、苔蘚等來表現出自然景觀。

由於製作前就決定作品和觀賞者之間的位置關係, 作品能夠表現得使觀眾覺得猶如身臨其境而又非常立體的感覺。

  還有“盆石”是在托盤上擺上白沙和黑石, 僅用黑白兩種顏色來表現大自然之美。拿各種專用工具用白沙表現優雅的流水等景觀也是其特徵之一。

  本集為大家介紹, 日本人獨特的感性以及由此發展起來的在托盤上展現出大自然景觀的兩種立體藝術。

【English】Landscapes on a Tray

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ir7RYv33X0

Japan has a long tradition of recreating a big nature into a miniature form, the “bonsai” being the most famous art of the kind.

Just from the same idea, the “bonkei” displays miniature landscapes on a tray, using perspective technique to create a dynamic, realistic view. Details are arranged with sand, rocks, moss and other materials on a base of soil.

Another tray art is the “bonseki”. As they use only white sand and stones in the "bonseki", it is considered to be white sand that decides the value of works. Artists do their best to find the best tools to handle the sand.

You can enjoy the beauty of miniature landscapes expressed in the Japanese unique way.


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