【JVT 227】熊本城の瓦葺き/熊本城的瓦屋頂/ Tiled Roofs – Kumamoto Castle…

Japan Video Topics: My No.【227】[ 4分 32秒; 4min. 32secs.]2020/03/29に公開

My list: http://matsumoto.news.coocan.jp/images/JVT_data_list_new.htm

【日本語】熊本城の瓦葺き ~復興を支える匠の技~

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fax5rurWExM&feature=youtu.be


【漢語】熊本城的瓦屋頂 〜支撑復興的工匠技藝〜

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iip22FevC4&feature=youtu.be


  作為代表熊本的建築物,其修復工作是必不可少的, 就中最困難的莫過於重現瓦屋頂。將黏土燒製成的瓦, 雖有良好的隔熱性能,但每一片的形狀都會有微妙的不同。為此,瓦匠們就需要用凿子以毫米為單位凿正多達數萬塊的瓦而進行鋪放其。


【English】Restoring Tiled Roofs – Kumamoto Castle

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6NNknHEb4E&feature=youtu.be

When the major earthquake attacked Kumamoto prefecture in 2016, their beloved landmark Kumamoto Castle was extensively damaged for the first time in over 400 years.

When the restoration work began, they all thought that one of the biggest problems would be how to recreate all of its traditional tiled roofs.

Tiles made of fired clay are excellent insulators, but the problem is that the shape of each tile comes out to be slightly different, causing potential gaps between them.

Tilers tackled the problem by chiseling them by millimeters, but imagine how much the work load would have been! There were tens of thousands of tiles on the whole castle in all.

We’ll see how the artisans there revived their treasure building and brought hope to the region again.


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