【JVT 226】Hirosaki’s Cherry Tree Doctors / 弘前櫻花的樹木醫生 / 桜のまもりびと…

Japan Video Topics: My No.【226】[ 4分 10秒; 4min. 10secs.]2020/03/15に公開

My list: http://matsumoto.news.coocan.jp/images/JVT_data_list_new.htm


URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpr7WBclzlg&feature=youtu.be



URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1lKjFL5EEk&feature=youtu.be

  青森縣弘前市是日本有名的賞櫻勝地。每年4月下旬櫻花盛開的時候, 這裡都會有大批遊客前來欣賞其。為了專門管理這些櫻花樹, 這裡有一個組織是由三個人組成的 “守櫻隊”。

  “守櫻隊” 的每位隊員都持有樹木醫生資格而精心地守護著櫻花樹的成長。

  因為櫻花樹和他們青森縣名產的蘋果樹都屬於薔薇科, 所以當地蓄有很多有關蘋果樹的材料可供應用於栽培櫻花樹, 結果,能夠不但減少了病蟲害和倒伏,還延長了樹木的壽命。

  本集就為大家介紹,為了屆時讓櫻花發揮作用而造福大家, 他們平時做甚麼工作。

【English】Hirosaki’s Cherry Tree Doctors

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAmHDWQ5gSQ&feature=youtu.be

Hirosaki city in Aomori Prefecture is one of the most famous places in Japan for enjoying cherry blossoms toward end of April every year.

They have a specialists’group named “Team Sakuramori” there that is assigned to take care of cherry trees on a year-round basis. (‘Sakura’ means ‘cherry’ and ‘mori’ means ‘guardian’ in Japanese.)

People in Aomori have a bit advantage in growing cherry tree. While as an industry Aomori is the biggest producer of apple in Japan, botanically both apple and cherry belong to the same family of “rose”.

As all three members of the team are qualified tree doctors, they thought of applying the know-how of growing apples to cherry trees and has succeeded in keeping the trees free from disease, pruning the right branches and extending their lives.

The video introduces their efforts to ensure better treatment for Hirosaki’s cherry blossoms.


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