【JVT 225】ラジオ体操 / 廣播體操 / Working Out to the Radio…

Japan Video Topics: My No.【225】[ 4分 11秒; 4min. 11secs.]2020/03/01に公開

My list: http://matsumoto.news.coocan.jp/images/JVT_data_list_new.htm


URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9K_CSvXMDI&feature=youtu.be



URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMQTGCcaPQE&feature=youtu.be



  因為, 在學校裡上體育課也好, 在地區裡參加任何體育活動也好, 做這項體操作為熱身活動很普遍, 可以說廣播體操在日本是人人皆知的。如果平時不太喜愛運動的老年人也繼續做廣播體操, 一定會起很大的作用。

  本集為大家介紹, 不僅是日本, 還慢慢走向世界的發祥於日本的廣播體操。

【English】Working Out to the Radio

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIW2PKqwXQc&feature=youtu.be

 Many Japanese start their day with a workout that gently exercises the whole body, following the instructions along with music broadcast over the radio.

 Everyone knows these exercises called “rajio taiso (radio gymnastics)” which began airing over 90 years ago.

 Taking just three minutes to perform, they’re used to warm up participants in a wide variety of sports events, such as Physical Education classes at school, for example.

 Designed to be suitable for all ages, and proven highly effective in keeping the elderly population healthy and active, Japanese radio calisthenics have been gaining popularity in many parts of the world, too.


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