【JVT 223】The Lucky Cat / 招財貓 / 招き猫…

Japan Video Topics: My No.【223】[ 4分 32秒; 4min. 32secs.]2020/01/16に公開

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URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVJ1o6HuH14&feature=youtu.be






URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVHUjjzk498&feature=youtu.be

我們經常可在日本商店店面等看到擺著招手的磁貓, 即招財貓。

據說舉起右手是招財, 舉起左手是招客, 是起源於日本的吉祥物。

在發祥地東京某個寺院, 人們為了祈求自己的願望能最終實現, 在寺裡供獻磁貓作為供品代替物。

另外, 在愛知縣瀨戶市有個招財貓博物館, 可以欣賞到從日本各地收集而來的招財貓。該市還舉辦招財貓節。

近年來, 招財貓這個形象還走向世界, 出現了不少帶有各自國家特徵的招財貓形象。


【English8】The Lucky Cat

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iR-ryO1GgI&feature=youtu.be

In storefronts and homes throughout Japan, we can often see the so-called “lucky cats” which are said to beckon wealth by a right paw and rich customers by a left one.

Believers dedicate cat dolls as offering when they pray for something lucky at Gotokuji Temple in Tokyo where the legend of “the lucky cat” was born.

Most of these ceramic dolls are made in Seto City, Aichi Prefecture, a historic pottery town that hosts an annual cat festival and accommodates “The Lucky Cat Museum”.

Recently, this Japanese tradition has attracted some foreign people, too, which leads them to produce lucky cat dolls in their own local styles.


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