【JVT 208】Cute Smartphone Trends / 真可愛! 智能手機飾品 / スマホアクセサリー…
Japan Video Topics: My No.【208】[ 3分 49秒; 3min. 49secs.]2019/06/11 に公開
My list: http://matsumoto.news.coocan.jp/images/JVT_data_list_new.htm
【日本語】ゆるかわ! 日本のスマホアクセサリー
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lP-gRuqGzQ4&feature=youtu.be
【漢語】真可愛! 日本的智能手機飾品
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zllnu9qFzg&feature=youtu.be
現代生活中必不可少的智能手機。隨著其普及,實用而又可愛的智能手機飾品也隨之出現。因為種類之多而享譽全球的手機套之中很受歡迎的有兩種, 即帶有鏡子的和各種動物的毛絨玩偶式型號。
另外, 最近成為熱門話題的是誰都沒想到的一種配件, 是能保護充電線連接處的商品。不但能防止外來的衝擊,而且設計講究,外形可愛。
【English】Cute Smartphone Trends
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-wwyV29Vk4&feature=youtu.be
Smartphones are now essential partners of people around the world and so they are enjoying a vast range of accessories with regard to the function and the decoration, too, worldwide.
As to the portion of Japanese designers’ contribution to their success, some people say they did quite an inventive job to change cellphones into just fancy decorative objects as if they were of no other use.
Some have a flip cover of make-up mirror to be used at any moment in need and others enjoy taking cute furry animals along with them.
A big focus is put on cuteness, and a major hit just now is a series of sweet animals which in fact protect the connection of charging cables but just look like as if they were biting your phone instead.