【JVT 237】Omakase - The Art of Trust/ OMAKASE—信任催生的服務 /お任せ〜信頼が生み出すサービス〜

Japan Video Topics: My No.【237】[ 4分 31秒; 4min. 31secs.]2020/10/28に公開

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【日本語】OMAKASE 〜信頼が生み出すサービス〜

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8rP8q9oWe0



URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=985YLpUkCpY






【English】Omakase - The Art of Trust

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCTM24Qap8c

 “Omakase” is a kind of ways of ordering things in Japan. It comes from the Japanese word meaning “to entrust”.

 In a sushi restaurant, for example, it means you leave it to the cooks to decide what to eat, for they would thoughtfully select items for you that will appeal to your taste best at the place in the season.

 It seems this kind of Omakase service has spread to the other industries, too. Let’s see two cases:

 one is a monthly delivery service of vegetables from Kochi Prefecture, Shikoku to all over Japan, where they try to select those vegetables their remote customers might receive with unexpected joy and surprise.

 The other is a bookseller who sends his customers those books he chooses specially to fit their personalities and interests.

 Thus, Omakase is more than simple consulting service. It’s based on building relationship of trust actually.


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