【JVT 211】Osaka’s Newest Art Scene / 通过艺术获得再生的城市 / アートで再生する街…

Japan Video Topics: My No.【211】[ 4分 20秒; 4min. 20secs.]2019/07/30に公開

My list: http://matsumoto.news.coocan.jp/images/JVT_data_list_new.htm


【日本語】大阪の街づくり ~アートで再生する街~ 【大阪市住之江区北加賀屋】

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klH9jO3IhKE&feature=youtu.be


【漢語】大阪的城市建设 —通过艺术获得再生的城市—

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3g2EVEQ5wA&feature=youtu.be

 日本第二大城市大阪市。位于其西南的 “北加贺屋” 现正成为艺术城区而备受瞩目。“北加贺屋” 曾因造船业而繁盛,衰落后,当地的房地产公司利用其废弃房屋,让艺术家们通过创造性活动,令区域重获新生。该区无处不充满艺术,还举办巨型艺术的展览等等,开展着各种各样的活动。


【English】Osaka’s Newest Art Scene

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfseRMX0fxE&feature=youtu.be

Kitakagaya is a district in the southwest of Osaka, Japan’s second largest metropolis. Once famous for ship-building, Kitakagaya has recently revived and become known for its art. Young artists and other creators were attracted to the area to live and work in the town’s many abandoned buildings. A local real estate company realized that this trend could revitalize the area, and began supporting this influx of artists. Today, visitors flock to Kitakagaya for the pop art murals decorating its streets and the exciting events featuring giant installations in its old warehouses.


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